I am a PhD Student at the School of Cyber Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, in the HUST Media Lab. I major in Computer Science and my research interests lie in the areas of computer vision, video understanding, and anomaly detection.

๐Ÿ“ Publications

AAAI 2023(oral)

Dual memory units with uncertainty regulation for weakly supervised video anomaly detection

Hang Zhou, Junqing Yu, Wei Yang


  • We propose an Uncertainty Regulated Dual Memory Units (UR-DMU) model to learn both the representations of normal data and discriminative features of abnormal data.
AAAI 2024

Dynamic feature pruning and consolidation for occluded person re-identification

YuTeng Ye, Hang Zhou, Jiale Cai, Chenxing Gao, Youjia Zhang, Junle Wang, Qiang Hu, Junqing Yu, Wei Yang


  • We propose a Feature Pruning and Consolidation (FPC) framework to circumvent explicit human structure parse, which consists of a sparse encoder, a global and local feature ranking module, and a feature consolidation decoder.
AAAI 2024

Progressive Text-to-Image Diffusion with Soft Latent Direction

YuTeng Ye, Jiale Cai, Hang Zhou, Guanwen Li, Youjia Zhang, Zikai Song, Chenxing Gao, Junqing Yu, Wei Yang


  • We propose to harness the capabilities of a Large Language Model (LLM) to decompose text descriptions into coherent directives adhering to stringent formats and progressively generate the target image.
AAAI 2024

Attacking Transformers with Feature Diversity Adversarial Perturbation

Chenxing Gao, Hang Zhou, Junqing Yu, YuTeng Ye, Jiale Cai, Junle Wang, Wei Yang

  • We present a label-free white-box attack approach for ViT-based models that exhibits strong transferability to various black-box models by accelerating the feature collapse.

๐ŸŽ– Honors and Awards

  • 2021.06: outstanding masterโ€™s thesis
  • Reviewer: CVPR24, TMM

๐Ÿ“– Educations

  • 2014.09 - 2018.06, Undergraduate, Wuhan Institute of Technology.
  • 2018.09 - 2021.06, Master, Jiangsu University.
  • 2021.09 - now, Ph.D, Huazhong University of Science and Technology.